Holy crime-fighting, he is part of the infamous Dynamic Duo! Often referred to as Boy Wonder and Batman’s side-kick, Robin has taken on many identities and characters throughout the esteemed history of DC Comics. Best known as the young hero assisting Batman in saving Gotham City from the many supervillains, he is also reincarnated as Nightwing and Red Hood. Dick Grayson has appeared as Robin in a long list of TV shows, movies and video games. Also a member of the Teen Titans Go! Team, he can be seen in blockbuster films by Warner Bros like Batman & Robin (1949), Batman Forever (1995) and Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2008). So, join Batman today on your quest to keep the streets of Gotham free of crime.
Every hero needs a sidekick! Your toddler will be ready to round up the villains of Gotham City at Batman's side when he wears this Deluxe Robin muscle chest costume!